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A) back squat – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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Accessory work:
B) 3 rounds:
B1) 6-8 BB strict presses @AHAP / 90 sec rest
B2) 12-17 Hyper-extensions @AHAP / 90 sec rest

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C) 7 x 4-5 bar Muscle ups / 30-60 sec rest between sets

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D) 10 min AMRAP:
25 Cal airbike
20 Wall balls @15/9kg
10 Bar facing Burpees
5 Thrusters @60/40kg

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5 deadlifts @3311
5 shoulder shrugs
5 clean high pulls
5 Muscle cleans
5 Power cleans
5 Squat cleans
5 Strict presses
5 Push presses
5 Push jerks
5 Split jerks
This is our recommended warmup for this session. Work with an empty barbell and if you feel good, you can add just a light weight. You don’t have to go unbroken, break the sets accordingly, so you can maintain a perfect form. Do as many rounds as you need, but don’t over-do it. Start your lifts after you feel comfortable with the bar and with the movements. Pay a good focus on your warmup, because if your warm up is worthless, then your lifting will be worthless.

A) Complex: Squat Clean + Front Squat + Below Knee Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat – build up to heavy Set

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B) 8-10 rounds – every 90 sec:
Power snatch + Above knee hang squat snatch

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CONDITIONING – Aerobic Capacity
C) Row:
5 rounds:
500m row @3-5 sec below ave pace/5km test
250m row @recovery pace

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A) Deadlifts – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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B) 3 rounds:
B1) 12m Front rack walking lunges @AHAP / 1 min rest
B2) 8-12 strict TTB / 1-2 min restt

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C) For time:
50 Double unders
20 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @70/40kg
10 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
50 Double unders
20 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @60/35kg
12 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
50 Double unders
20 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @50/30kg
14 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
50 Double unders
20 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @40/25kg
16 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
50 Double unders
20 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @30/20kg
18 Bar facing burpees

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5 Snatch grip deadlifts @3311
5 Shoulder shrugs
5 Snatch high pulls
5 Muscle snatches
5 Power snatches
5 Snatch grip push presses
5 OH squats @3311
5 Snatch grip push Jerks
5 Squat snatches
This is our recommended warmup for this session. Work with an empty barbell and if you feel good, you can add just a light weight. You don’t have to go unbroken, break the sets accordingly, so you can maintain a perfect form. Do as many rounds as you need, but don’t over-do it. Start your lifts after you feel comfortable with the bar and with the movements. Pay a good focus on your warmup, because if your warm up is worthless, then your lifting will be worthless.

A) Squat Snatch – build up to heavy double

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GOAL: Build up to heavy DOUBLE in Squat Snatch. Don’t go tng, do a new setup on every repetition.
NOTE: Don’t give yourself too long rests between reps.
FOCUS:Focus on your explosiveness while kicking the bar up, and speed under the bar. Don’t forget to push to the bar also on the way down.
TECHNIQUE:  Squat snatch
1- The first pull (path from the ground to knees) is controlled – you don’t want to hurry too fast, because you will probably hit the knees or go around them too much and get yourself into a bad kicking position (aggressive hip extension). Don’t forget that you are doing segments here – 1 sec stops are below the knees and above the knees on the way up from the ground.
2 – Explosive phase begins right above the knees – you are going straight to an aggressive hip extension (kick) – you are kicking the bar right at the one spot that doesn’t hurt – hip crease – spot under the hip bones and above the pubicle bone. You have to adjust your grip width according to this spot (when you stand tall with extended arms, your bar should rest right in this spot)
3 – As you kick the bar, you are going through and extension. There are following steps you need to go through: kicking to the bar, going on your toes, going to extension, shoulder shrug, vertical shrug of the elbows, and finishing of an extension.
4- After doing all the steps on the way up, you are pulling yourself under the bar. You are catching the bar in Receiving position overhead, with your shoulders packed and elbows fully locked out. Your feet are in squatting position and your head is in neutral position.
5- Squat Snatch – catch the bar in full squat.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.


B) 8-10 rounds – every 90 sec: 2 Tng Power cleans + 2 Hang Squat cleans + Push jerk

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GOAL: Build up to heavy weight in complex of PC + HSC + PJ (2+2+1). Maintain a good form throughout the whole workout. TECHNIQUE:  Power Clean
1- First pull (the path from the ground to above knees) is controlled. You don’t want to hurry here, because it may cause hitting your knees or go too far away from your body.
2- When you are above your knees – the explosive phase begins – go directly to the aggressive hip extension with the kick. (The spot for kicking the bar is right where your bar rests when you stand tall in extension)
3- Finish the extension – You are going on your toes and pulling yourself towards the ceiling and leaning back a little – at the same time. After this extension, you shrug your shoulders and continue with pulling your elbows vertical so your bar stays close to your body.
4- Pulling your self under the bar and pushing your elbow to the front rack position aggressively. You are doing a Power clean, so you are pulling your self under – catching bar – in partial squat position.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.
Hang Squat Clean
1- Hang position – pull the bar from the ground to a full extension and then lean forward with your torso to hang position with your shoulders directly over the bar, or slightly in front, elbows locked out, midline tight, spine neutral and head up.
2- When you are above your knees – the explosive phase. From above your knees, go directly to the aggressive hip extension with the kick. (The spot for kicking the bar is right where your bar rests when you stand tall in extension)
3- Finish the extension – You are going on your toes and pulling yourself towards the ceiling and leaning back a little – at the same time. After this extension, you shrug your shoulders and continue with pulling your elbows vertical so your bar stays close to your body.
4- Pulling your self under the bar and pushing your elbow to the front rack position aggressively.
Hang Squat clean – catch the bar in a full squat.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.
Push Jerk
1 – Bar starts in the front rack position – on your shoulders.
2 – Initiation of the dip – torso stays vertical, knees are aiming forward (and outside), Your hips are directly under the bar (not behind or in front) – dip is shallow and the path down is controlled – do not hurry.
3 – Explosive hip extension – from the dip, you need to explode with your hip drive and go to a full extension. Explosive power comes from the hips.
4- By doing this explosive extension – translate energy to the bar and let it take off your shoulders, after that you can start pulling yourself under the bar. Finish in portion of a squat (power position) with your shoulders packed and the elbows fully locked. (your feet will be switching from jumping to landing position).
To visualize this exercise, look it up in our video-database.

CONDITIONING – metcon – skill
C) For time:
Double DB Thrusters @2×22.5/15kg
Pegboard ascents

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GOAL: Execute this workout as fast as possible.
NOTE:Calculate with your effort, don’t go all out in the beginning.
1- Peg board ascents/descents – will be substituted with legless rope climbs in equal ratio 1:1. If you are not able to execute this substitute, do a more simple gymnastic pulluing exercise, like strict pullups, C2B or ring pulls (vertical/horizontal) in ratio 3-5:1 (3-5 pullups/c2b : 1 pegboard ascent).


CONDITIONING – Aerobic Capacity
D) Airbike/Ski erg intervals
2 rounds:
1.min: 9/7 Cal airbike @very high intensity
2.min: 9/7 Cal Ski erg @very high intensity
3.min: 11/9 Cal airbike @high intensity
4.min: 11/9 Cal Ski erg @high intensity
5.min: 13/11 Cal airbike @moderate-high intensity
6.min: 13/11 Cal Ski erg @moderate-high intensity
2 min rest

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— 5-10 min easy pace for warming up your body and get the heart rate up a little.
— 1-2 rounds / rest 2 min between rounds:  4-6 min: 30 sec @intensity / 30 sec very easy pace
Increase the Intensity part every round – If you are going for two rounds – go second round with faster paces than the first round. Try to find your workout pace throughout this warm up.

5-10 min AirBike/row/skierg @very easy pace

GOAL: Goal will be to work in different levels of intensity on every minute. Set up in your levels of intensity in warm up. Levels of intensity are following:
very high intensity > high intensity > moderate-high intensity > moderate intensity
very high intensity – This is a pace that is slightly under your max effort pace. (95%).
high intensity – Lower than 95% but still intense pace, not sustainable for longer intervals (80-90%).
moderate-high intensity – Pace that you can sustain in moderate-length distances.
moderate intensity – Intensity, that you can sustain for longer periods of time.
First, set your seat to the proper height – when you sit on bike, and push the peddal to the lower position – your leg is extended while the pedal is in the center of your foot. Then, when you slide your foot back so the peddal is on your toes – your leg should be slightly bent. The position of your arms is similar to legs – they are also slightly bent. Torso is slightly leaned forward (10-20%) so you are just above the peddals. You don’t want your back to be rounded and you also don’t want your arms and upper body to fly from side to side while you are biking. If you want to be efficient, stay steady and use your energy wisely, on your biking and pushing/pulling.
FOCUS:On breathing and maintaining a good form in intensity.
SUBSTITUTION: AirBike, row and ski erg: It is possible to substitute one with another. It depends on what are your options in your gym, or what you are able to do or not. There is also a possibility to substitute these modalities with running outside or inside on treadmill.


CONDITIONING – run intervals
A) 4 rounds:
200m @ high intensity
200m @ recovery pace

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B) Front Squats – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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C) For max reps:
60 sec max reps Power Cleans @50% 1RM
60 sec rest
60 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches@50% 1RM
2 min rest
90 sec max reps Power Cleans @60% 1RM
90 sec rest
90 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches @60% 1RM
2 min rest
2 min max reps Power Cleans @70% 1RM
2 min rest
2 min max reps Hang Squat Snatches @70% 1RM

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Active recovery – Use your rest day as an active recovery.  30 min of easy running/rowing/swimming –  or combination of these modalities + 30 min of mobilization of your problematic parts and stretching.


A) back squat – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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Accessory work:
B) 3-4 rounds:
B1) 6-8 BB strict presses @AHAP / 90 sec rest
B2) 12-17 Hyper-extensions @AHAP / 90 sec rest

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C) 10 x 4-5 bar Muscle ups / 30-60 sec rest between sets

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D) 15 min AMRAP:
25 Cal airbike
20 Wall balls @15/9kg
10 Bar facing Burpees
5 Thrusters @60/40kg

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5 deadlifts @3311
5 shoulder shrugs
5 clean high pulls
5 Muscle cleans
5 Power cleans
5 Squat cleans
5 Strict presses
5 Push presses
5 Push jerks
5 Split jerks
This is our recommended warmup for this session. Work with an empty barbell and if you feel good, you can add just a light weight. You don’t have to go unbroken, break the sets accordingly, so you can maintain a perfect form. Do as many rounds as you need, but don’t over-do it. Start your lifts after you feel comfortable with the bar and with the movements. Pay a good focus on your warmup, because if your warm up is worthless, then your lifting will be worthless.

A) Complex: Squat Clean + Front Squat + Below Knee Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat – build up to heavy Set

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B) 10-12 rounds – every 90 sec:
Power snatch + Above knee hang squat snatch

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C) 5 min EMOM:
5-10 pullups + 10 Thrusters @40/25kg
2 min rest
5 min EMOM:
5-10 Ring dips + 10 Hang Power Cleans @45kg/30kg

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CONDITIONING – Aerobic Capacity
D) Row:
5 rounds:
500m row @3-5 sec below ave pace/5km test
250m row @recovery pace

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A) Deadlifts – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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B) 3 rounds:
B1) 12m Front rack walking lunges @AHAP / 1 min rest
B2) 8-12 strict TTB / 1-2 min restt

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C) 3-5  rounds for quality:
6 KB OH squats + 4 KB push presses + 2 TGU @AHAP – L,R

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D) For time:
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @80/45kg
10 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @70/40kg
12 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @60/35kg
14 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @50/30kg
16 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @40/25kg
18 Bar facing burpees

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5 Snatch grip deadlifts @3311
5 Shoulder shrugs
5 Snatch high pulls
5 Muscle snatches
5 Power snatches
5 Snatch grip push presses
5 OH squats @3311
5 Snatch grip push Jerks
5 Squat snatches
This is our recommended warmup for this session. Work with an empty barbell and if you feel good, you can add just a light weight. You don’t have to go unbroken, break the sets accordingly, so you can maintain a perfect form. Do as many rounds as you need, but don’t over-do it. Start your lifts after you feel comfortable with the bar and with the movements. Pay a good focus on your warmup, because if your warm up is worthless, then your lifting will be worthless.

A) Squat Snatch – build up to heavy double

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GOAL: Build up to heavy DOUBLE in Squat Snatch. Don’t go tng, do a new setup on every repetition.
NOTE: Don’t give yourself too long rests between reps.
FOCUS:Focus on your explosiveness while kicking the bar up, and speed under the bar. Don’t forget to push to the bar also on the way down.
TECHNIQUE:  Squat snatch
1- The first pull (path from the ground to knees) is controlled – you don’t want to hurry too fast, because you will probably hit the knees or go around them too much and get yourself into a bad kicking position (aggressive hip extension). Don’t forget that you are doing segments here – 1 sec stops are below the knees and above the knees on the way up from the ground.
2 – Explosive phase begins right above the knees – you are going straight to an aggressive hip extension (kick) – you are kicking the bar right at the one spot that doesn’t hurt – hip crease – spot under the hip bones and above the pubicle bone. You have to adjust your grip width according to this spot (when you stand tall with extended arms, your bar should rest right in this spot)
3 – As you kick the bar, you are going through and extension. There are following steps you need to go through: kicking to the bar, going on your toes, going to extension, shoulder shrug, vertical shrug of the elbows, and finishing of an extension.
4- After doing all the steps on the way up, you are pulling yourself under the bar. You are catching the bar in Receiving position overhead, with your shoulders packed and elbows fully locked out. Your feet are in squatting position and your head is in neutral position.
5- Squat Snatch – catch the bar in full squat.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.


B) 10-12 rounds – every 90 sec: 2 Tng Power cleans + 2 Hang Squat cleans + Push jerk

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GOAL: Build up to heavy weight in complex of PC + HSC + PJ (2+2+1). Maintain a good form throughout the whole workout. TECHNIQUE:  Power Clean
1- First pull (the path from the ground to above knees) is controlled. You don’t want to hurry here, because it may cause hitting your knees or go too far away from your body.
2- When you are above your knees – the explosive phase begins – go directly to the aggressive hip extension with the kick. (The spot for kicking the bar is right where your bar rests when you stand tall in extension)
3- Finish the extension – You are going on your toes and pulling yourself towards the ceiling and leaning back a little – at the same time. After this extension, you shrug your shoulders and continue with pulling your elbows vertical so your bar stays close to your body.
4- Pulling your self under the bar and pushing your elbow to the front rack position aggressively. You are doing a Power clean, so you are pulling your self under – catching bar – in partial squat position.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.
Hang Squat Clean
1- Hang position – pull the bar from the ground to a full extension and then lean forward with your torso to hang position with your shoulders directly over the bar, or slightly in front, elbows locked out, midline tight, spine neutral and head up.
2- When you are above your knees – the explosive phase. From above your knees, go directly to the aggressive hip extension with the kick. (The spot for kicking the bar is right where your bar rests when you stand tall in extension)
3- Finish the extension – You are going on your toes and pulling yourself towards the ceiling and leaning back a little – at the same time. After this extension, you shrug your shoulders and continue with pulling your elbows vertical so your bar stays close to your body.
4- Pulling your self under the bar and pushing your elbow to the front rack position aggressively.
Hang Squat clean – catch the bar in a full squat.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.
Push Jerk
1 – Bar starts in the front rack position – on your shoulders.
2 – Initiation of the dip – torso stays vertical, knees are aiming forward (and outside), Your hips are directly under the bar (not behind or in front) – dip is shallow and the path down is controlled – do not hurry.
3 – Explosive hip extension – from the dip, you need to explode with your hip drive and go to a full extension. Explosive power comes from the hips.
4- By doing this explosive extension – translate energy to the bar and let it take off your shoulders, after that you can start pulling yourself under the bar. Finish in portion of a squat (power position) with your shoulders packed and the elbows fully locked. (your feet will be switching from jumping to landing position).
To visualize this exercise, look it up in our video-database.

CONDITIONING – metcon – skill
C) For time:
Double DB Thrusters @2×22.5/15kg
Pegboard ascents

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GOAL: Execute this workout as fast as possible.
NOTE:Calculate with your effort, don’t go all out in the beginning.
1- Peg board ascents/descents – will be substituted with legless rope climbs in equal ratio 1:1. If you are not able to execute this substitute, do a more simple gymnastic pulluing exercise, like strict pullups, C2B or ring pulls (vertical/horizontal) in ratio 3-5:1 (3-5 pullups/c2b : 1 pegboard ascent).


CONDITIONING – Aerobic Capacity
D) Airbike/Ski erg intervals
3 rounds:
1.min: 9/7 Cal airbike @very high intensity
2.min: 9/7 Cal Ski erg @very high intensity
3.min: 11/9 Cal airbike @high intensity
4.min: 11/9 Cal Ski erg @high intensity
5.min: 13/11 Cal airbike @moderate-high intensity
6.min: 13/11 Cal Ski erg @moderate-high intensity
2 min rest

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— 5-10 min easy pace for warming up your body and get the heart rate up a little.
— 1-2 rounds / rest 2 min between rounds:  4-6 min: 30 sec @intensity / 30 sec very easy pace
Increase the Intensity part every round – If you are going for two rounds – go second round with faster paces than the first round. Try to find your workout pace throughout this warm up.

5-10 min AirBike/row/skierg @very easy pace

GOAL: Goal will be to work in different levels of intensity on every minute. Set up in your levels of intensity in warm up. Levels of intensity are following:
very high intensity > high intensity > moderate-high intensity > moderate intensity
very high intensity – This is a pace that is slightly under your max effort pace. (95%).
high intensity – Lower than 95% but still intense pace, not sustainable for longer intervals (80-90%).
moderate-high intensity – Pace that you can sustain in moderate-length distances.
moderate intensity – Intensity, that you can sustain for longer periods of time.
First, set your seat to the proper height – when you sit on bike, and push the peddal to the lower position – your leg is extended while the pedal is in the center of your foot. Then, when you slide your foot back so the peddal is on your toes – your leg should be slightly bent. The position of your arms is similar to legs – they are also slightly bent. Torso is slightly leaned forward (10-20%) so you are just above the peddals. You don’t want your back to be rounded and you also don’t want your arms and upper body to fly from side to side while you are biking. If you want to be efficient, stay steady and use your energy wisely, on your biking and pushing/pulling.
FOCUS:On breathing and maintaining a good form in intensity.
SUBSTITUTION: AirBike, row and ski erg: It is possible to substitute one with another. It depends on what are your options in your gym, or what you are able to do or not. There is also a possibility to substitute these modalities with running outside or inside on treadmill.


CONDITIONING – run intervals
A) 5 rounds:
200m @ high intensity
200m @ recovery pace

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B) Front Squats – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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C) For max reps:
30 sec max reps Power Cleans @40% 1RM
30 sec rest
30 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches @40% 1RM
2 min rest
60 sec max reps Power Cleans @50% 1RM
60 sec rest
60 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches@50% 1RM
2 min rest
90 sec max reps Power Cleans @60% 1RM
90 sec rest
90 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches @60% 1RM
2 min rest
2 min max reps Power Cleans @70% 1RM
2 min rest
2 min max reps Hang Squat Snatches @70% 1RM

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Active recovery – Use your rest day as an active recovery.  30 min of easy running/rowing/swimming –  or combination of these modalities + 30 min of mobilization of your problematic parts and stretching.


A) back squat – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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Accessory work:
B) 4-5 rounds:
B1) 6-8 BB strict presses @AHAP / 90 sec rest
B2) 12-17 Hyper-extensions @AHAP / 90 sec rest

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C) 13 x 4-5 bar Muscle ups / 30-60 sec rest between sets

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A) 20 min AMRAP:
25 Cal airbike
20 Wall balls @15/9kg
10 Bar facing Burpees
5 Thrusters @60/40kg

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CONDITIONING – Aerobic Capacity
A) Row:
6 rounds:
500m row @3-5 sec below ave pace/5km test
250m row @recovery pace

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B) 20 min for quality:
10 double KB Snatches @AHAP
1 legless Rope climb
10 double KB Front Squats @AHAP
1 min row @easy pace

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5 deadlifts @3311
5 shoulder shrugs
5 clean high pulls
5 Muscle cleans
5 Power cleans
5 Squat cleans
5 Strict presses
5 Push presses
5 Push jerks
5 Split jerks
This is our recommended warmup for this session. Work with an empty barbell and if you feel good, you can add just a light weight. You don’t have to go unbroken, break the sets accordingly, so you can maintain a perfect form. Do as many rounds as you need, but don’t over-do it. Start your lifts after you feel comfortable with the bar and with the movements. Pay a good focus on your warmup, because if your warm up is worthless, then your lifting will be worthless.

A) Complex: Squat Clean + Front Squat + Below Knee Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat – build up to heavy Set

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B) 12-15 rounds – every 90 sec:
Power snatch + Above knee hang squat snatch

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C) 5 min EMOM:
5-10 pullups + 10 Thrusters @40/25kg
2 min rest
5 min EMOM:
5-10 Ring dips + 10 Hang Power Cleans @45kg/30kg
2 min rest
5 min EMOM:
5-10 Box jumps @60/50cm + 10 Push jerks @45/30kg

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A) Deadlifts – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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B) 4 rounds:
B1) 12m Front rack walking lunges @AHAP / 1 min rest
B2) 8-12 strict TTB / 1-2 min restt

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C) 5-7 rounds for quality:
6 KB OH squats + 4 KB push presses + 2 TGU @AHAP – L,R

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A) For time:
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @80/45kg
10 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @70/40kg
12 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @60/35kg
14 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @50/30kg
16 Bar facing burpees
2 min rest
100 Double unders
25 C2B pullups
10 OH squats @40/25kg
18 Bar facing burpees

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5 Snatch grip deadlifts @3311
5 Shoulder shrugs
5 Snatch high pulls
5 Muscle snatches
5 Power snatches
5 Snatch grip push presses
5 OH squats @3311
5 Snatch grip push Jerks
5 Squat snatches
This is our recommended warmup for this session. Work with an empty barbell and if you feel good, you can add just a light weight. You don’t have to go unbroken, break the sets accordingly, so you can maintain a perfect form. Do as many rounds as you need, but don’t over-do it. Start your lifts after you feel comfortable with the bar and with the movements. Pay a good focus on your warmup, because if your warm up is worthless, then your lifting will be worthless.

A) Squat Snatch – build up to heavy double

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GOAL: Build up to heavy DOUBLE in Squat Snatch. Don’t go tng, do a new setup on every repetition.
NOTE: Don’t give yourself too long rests between reps.
FOCUS:Focus on your explosiveness while kicking the bar up, and speed under the bar. Don’t forget to push to the bar also on the way down.
TECHNIQUE:  Squat snatch
1- The first pull (path from the ground to knees) is controlled – you don’t want to hurry too fast, because you will probably hit the knees or go around them too much and get yourself into a bad kicking position (aggressive hip extension). Don’t forget that you are doing segments here – 1 sec stops are below the knees and above the knees on the way up from the ground.
2 – Explosive phase begins right above the knees – you are going straight to an aggressive hip extension (kick) – you are kicking the bar right at the one spot that doesn’t hurt – hip crease – spot under the hip bones and above the pubicle bone. You have to adjust your grip width according to this spot (when you stand tall with extended arms, your bar should rest right in this spot)
3 – As you kick the bar, you are going through and extension. There are following steps you need to go through: kicking to the bar, going on your toes, going to extension, shoulder shrug, vertical shrug of the elbows, and finishing of an extension.
4- After doing all the steps on the way up, you are pulling yourself under the bar. You are catching the bar in Receiving position overhead, with your shoulders packed and elbows fully locked out. Your feet are in squatting position and your head is in neutral position.
5- Squat Snatch – catch the bar in full squat.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.


B) 12-15 rounds – every 90 sec: 2 Tng Power cleans + 2 Hang Squat cleans + Push jerk

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GOAL: Build up to heavy weight in complex of PC + HSC + PJ (2+2+1). Maintain a good form throughout the whole workout. TECHNIQUE:  Power Clean
1- First pull (the path from the ground to above knees) is controlled. You don’t want to hurry here, because it may cause hitting your knees or go too far away from your body.
2- When you are above your knees – the explosive phase begins – go directly to the aggressive hip extension with the kick. (The spot for kicking the bar is right where your bar rests when you stand tall in extension)
3- Finish the extension – You are going on your toes and pulling yourself towards the ceiling and leaning back a little – at the same time. After this extension, you shrug your shoulders and continue with pulling your elbows vertical so your bar stays close to your body.
4- Pulling your self under the bar and pushing your elbow to the front rack position aggressively. You are doing a Power clean, so you are pulling your self under – catching bar – in partial squat position.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.
Hang Squat Clean
1- Hang position – pull the bar from the ground to a full extension and then lean forward with your torso to hang position with your shoulders directly over the bar, or slightly in front, elbows locked out, midline tight, spine neutral and head up.
2- When you are above your knees – the explosive phase. From above your knees, go directly to the aggressive hip extension with the kick. (The spot for kicking the bar is right where your bar rests when you stand tall in extension)
3- Finish the extension – You are going on your toes and pulling yourself towards the ceiling and leaning back a little – at the same time. After this extension, you shrug your shoulders and continue with pulling your elbows vertical so your bar stays close to your body.
4- Pulling your self under the bar and pushing your elbow to the front rack position aggressively.
Hang Squat clean – catch the bar in a full squat.
To visualize these movements, visit our video-database.
Push Jerk
1 – Bar starts in the front rack position – on your shoulders.
2 – Initiation of the dip – torso stays vertical, knees are aiming forward (and outside), Your hips are directly under the bar (not behind or in front) – dip is shallow and the path down is controlled – do not hurry.
3 – Explosive hip extension – from the dip, you need to explode with your hip drive and go to a full extension. Explosive power comes from the hips.
4- By doing this explosive extension – translate energy to the bar and let it take off your shoulders, after that you can start pulling yourself under the bar. Finish in portion of a squat (power position) with your shoulders packed and the elbows fully locked. (your feet will be switching from jumping to landing position).
To visualize this exercise, look it up in our video-database.


C) 8 min for quality:
10 alternating DB squat snatches @22.5/15kg
30 sec GHD situp hold

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GOAL: Work in prescribed combination of excercises for quality, minimize your rest periods and focus on proper form even in fatique.


CONDITIONING – metcon – skill
A) For time:
Double DB Thrusters @2×22.5/15kg
Pegboard ascents

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GOAL: Execute this workout as fast as possible.
NOTE:Calculate with your effort, don’t go all out in the beginning.
1- Peg board ascents/descents – will be substituted with legless rope climbs in equal ratio 1:1. If you are not able to execute this substitute, do a more simple gymnastic pulluing exercise, like strict pullups, C2B or ring pulls (vertical/horizontal) in ratio 3-5:1 (3-5 pullups/c2b : 1 pegboard ascent).


CONDITIONING – Aerobic Capacity
B) Airbike/Ski erg intervals
3 rounds:
1.min: 9/7 Cal airbike @very high intensity
2.min: 9/7 Cal Ski erg @very high intensity
3.min: 11/9 Cal airbike @high intensity
4.min: 11/9 Cal Ski erg @high intensity
5.min: 13/11 Cal airbike @moderate-high intensity
6.min: 13/11 Cal Ski erg @moderate-high intensity
7.min: 15/13 Cal airbike @moderate intensity
8.min: 15/13 Cal Ski erg @moderate intensity
2 min rest

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— 5-10 min easy pace for warming up your body and get the heart rate up a little.
— 1-2 rounds / rest 2 min between rounds:  4-6 min: 30 sec @intensity / 30 sec very easy pace
Increase the Intensity part every round – If you are going for two rounds – go second round with faster paces than the first round. Try to find your workout pace throughout this warm up.

5-10 min AirBike/row/skierg @very easy pace

GOAL: Goal will be to work in different levels of intensity on every minute. Set up in your levels of intensity in warm up. Levels of intensity are following:
very high intensity > high intensity > moderate-high intensity > moderate intensity
very high intensity – This is a pace that is slightly under your max effort pace. (95%).
high intensity – Lower than 95% but still intense pace, not sustainable for longer intervals (80-90%).
moderate-high intensity – Pace that you can sustain in moderate-length distances.
moderate intensity – Intensity, that you can sustain for longer periods of time.
First, set your seat to the proper height – when you sit on bike, and push the peddal to the lower position – your leg is extended while the pedal is in the center of your foot. Then, when you slide your foot back so the peddal is on your toes – your leg should be slightly bent. The position of your arms is similar to legs – they are also slightly bent. Torso is slightly leaned forward (10-20%) so you are just above the peddals. You don’t want your back to be rounded and you also don’t want your arms and upper body to fly from side to side while you are biking. If you want to be efficient, stay steady and use your energy wisely, on your biking and pushing/pulling.
FOCUS:On breathing and maintaining a good form in intensity.
SUBSTITUTION: AirBike, row and ski erg: It is possible to substitute one with another. It depends on what are your options in your gym, or what you are able to do or not. There is also a possibility to substitute these modalities with running outside or inside on treadmill.



CONDITIONING – run intervals
A) 5 rounds:
200m @ high intensity
200m @ recovery pace

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A) Front Squats – 4×8-10 @65-72.5% 1RM / 3-5 min rest

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B) For max reps:
30 sec max reps Power Cleans @40% 1RM
30 sec rest
30 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches @40% 1RM
2 min rest
60 sec max reps Power Cleans @50% 1RM
60 sec rest
60 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches@50% 1RM
2 min rest
90 sec max reps Power Cleans @60% 1RM
90 sec rest
90 sec max reps Hang Squat Snatches @60% 1RM
2 min rest
2 min max reps Power Cleans @70% 1RM
2 min rest
2 min max reps Hang Squat Snatches @70% 1RM

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C) 10 min emom:
3-5 Ring Muscle ups + 5 burpee on target

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Active recovery – Use your rest day as an active recovery.  30 min of easy running/rowing/swimming –  or combination of these modalities + 30 min of mobilization of your problematic parts and stretching.